First Aid Course
Björn Gragetopf
kommissarische Abteilungsleitung Dienstleistungsmanagement
Tel: 040 890 811 70
Fax: 040 890 811 79
Langbehnstraße 4
22761 Hamburg
You need a certificate for your driving licence, you are first aider in your company or you are just interested in this subject? Then you should take part in our First Aid Basic Course.
In this course you learn simple and practical skills to solve an emergency situation. You don´t need any previous knowledge.
We will inform you about:
- emergency call
- self protection and securing the accident site
- rescueing, getting support and putting someone in the recovery position
- unconsciousness
- cardiopulmonary resuscitation
- using the defibrillator
- first aid kit
- and many other important things…
This course is required for all classes of driving licences:
- Krafträder und Mopeds (A, A1, A2, AM)
- Kraftfahrzeuge (B, BE, C1, C, CE, D1, D1E, D, DE, T and L)
Duration: 9 hours à 45 min
Please contact us in order to book a course via or tel. 040 890 811-70.